Date of source: Wednesday, December 12, 2001
Sheikh Al-Qaradawi stressed that the Palestinians have the right to defend their lands and homes by all ways and means. This right was stated by the heavenly Shari’as and international laws. He added that the operations the Palestinians committed against the Israelis were martyrdom and not suicidal...
Date of source: Thursday, December 20, 2001
The press release summarizes the text of the charter the Arab Christian-Muslim Working Group which is working closely with the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC). The charter expresses a shared commitment of Muslims and Christians to engage energetically in "working together to promote...
Date of source: Monday, December 24, 2001
Report about a visit to the location of the church-to-be in Al-Ubur City. A practically empty spot of land in a desert which is designated for building was found. The location had not been ’stormed’ by police and no people had been arrested as the US Copts Association had claimed. Photographs of...
Date of source: Friday, December 21, 2001
News often gets reported without checking the facts. This is what did when it reported about the press release of the US Copts Association. Press releases such as this one create confusion and make Copts in the US grow apart from Copts in Egypt. Some activists in the US believe...
Date of source: Thursday, December 20, 2001
The press release of the US Copts Association gives a distorted picture of the events around the church in al-Ubur City. The RNSAW asked Coptic Orthodox Bishop Marcos of Shubra Al-Kheima, to whose diocese Medinet Al-Ubur or Al-Ubur City belongs, for information about the events.
Date of source: Wednesday, December 19, 2001
The head of Al-Ubor city ordered his police forces to destroy the only Church in the city just hours after the church opened its doors and held its first prayer meeting according to a Press release sent out by the US Copts Association. The Coptic Orthodox Church had obtained all proper permissions...
Date of source: Wednesday, December 5, 2001
Response to two reports of the Middle East Media Research Institute [MEMRI] about Jihad during Ramadan and plans of a prominent Egyptian actor to produce a series for TV based on the notoriously anti-Semitic "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
Date of source: Saturday, December 1, 2001 to Friday, December 7, 2001
Behind any terrorist organization there is a mufti deciding what is halal and what is haram according to his point of view. The article gives an overview of the most famous muftis of terrorist organizations and the fatwas they issued.
Date of source: Monday, December 3, 2001
Prof. Dr. Tareq Mitri, Coordinator Interreligious Relations and Dialogue of the World Council of Churches and member of the Board of Advisors of the RNSAW, calls for caution against political misuse of a theological discussion.
Date of source: Monday, November 26, 2001
The Editor-in-Chief of Al-Muwagha and a journalist in the paper were sentenced to two years imprisonment with labor for publishing photos against the general morals and ethics of the society.