Displaying 2191 - 2200 of 2503.
Subtitles: *The main reason for selling the synagogue is because of a lack of people attending for prayers *The contract stipulates that the synagogue must not be turned into a mosque or church *The head of the Jewish community claims "we have not received any help from Israel" Usama Khalid begins...
Last May 31st, Ashmonein [a village in Upper Egypt] celebrates the commemorate of the Holy Family’s journey to Egypt. Ashmonein is the place where the Holy Family stayed more than one month, during their journey to Egypt.
subtitles: · Three years ago, he called for the freedom to write blasphemous ideas in order not to turn blasphemers into martyrs! · He called for defending Taha Hussein and then accused him, in the conference of the Labor Party, of blasphemy! · On Egyptian TV he stated- "I am against accusing...
The Virgin Mary Monastery in the Mountains of Assiut looks sadly at the area surrounding the monastery because they have been waiting in vain for a permit to purchase land near the Monastery. Sidhom writes that the site is waiting for a celebration like the other sites on the path of the Holy...
The Ministry of Tourism decided to hold a large celebration for the finishing of the first stage of developing the path of the Holy Family. The Minister of Tourism said that he was coordinating with His Holiness Pope Shenouda III to prepare a written document to be an introductory book to that...
His Honor, the Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Nasr Farid Wasel, settled the case of the logo of Coca Cola, affirming that it is not blasphemous to Islam.
After the crisis around Haider’s novel "A Banquet for Seaweed" developed fast, the fire also spread inside the Labor Party itself. The bomb exploded in the hand that carried it. Internal conflicts sparked in the party including the conflict over its presidency.
The French’s admiration is directed now to the Coptic art and civilization. The Coptic Art exhibition which the Arabic Institute inaugurated in Paris and the visit of some French journalists to the most important Coptic sites in Egypt, reveal the French interest in Coptic civilization.
In this article the writer follows Dr. Ibrahim Al-Nawawi, an Egyptian archeologist, on his route along the holy family’s journey to Al-Farma, the last site restored and beautified by the National Egyptian Heritage Revival Association.
The author criticized sarcastically the sudden discovery of the blasphemous aspect of Coca Cola, after 100 years of its production. In the writer’s opinion, the oppression which many Muslims suffer in some Islamic countries, leads them to accept nonsense and rumors and even to use modern technology...


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