Displaying 2261 - 2270 of 2503.
... There were a good number of people with interests - inside and outside - messing with many things, and dealing with what happened in Al-Kosheh as spoils to be taken, even if they had to start more fires in it!
Among his suggestions for actions to resolve the Al-Kosheh crisis the author writes: Enough the "Everything-is-all-right" committees! A government body for managing such crises must be founded. It must have the right of immediate intervention [in any such crisis]. Its opinion must be binding upon...
Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, the Grand Sheikh of the Azhar and Pope Shenouda III both spoke in a lecture entitled: "Religions, a source for values - A future vision". At the conclusion of the lecture, His Holiness [the Pope] said: "Being here with His Eminence the Grand Sheikh of the Azhar is the...
A schedule of a visit of Pope John Paul II to Egypt is given.
Robin Cook, the British Foreign Minister, has praised the friendship and tolerance between religions in Egypt. In a special statement to Rose El-Youssef, Cook said that he felt very comforted visiting the area of old Cairo, where mosques are so close to churches...
The counselor Maher Abdel-Wahed, the attorney general, continues to pursue the investigations, which are being made by high state security prosecution into the tragic incidents in Al-Kosheh village in Sohag and Dar Al-Salam district. The prosecution team listened to the testimonies of 45 Christians...
The Country’s security prosecution ordered the arrest of 59 suspects in the Kosheh incidents, including the Coptic priest of the village. The head of the State Information Service confirmed that Pope John Paul II, the Pope of the Vatican will be visiting Egypt on the twenty-sixth of next month.
The main reason behind the killings were the rumors that were spread by evil-intentioned villagers. This is what Mr. Mustafa Abdel-Qader, Minister of Local Development, who is the delegate of President Mubarak to Al-Kosheh has stressed.
Copts and Muslims were fasting in the same time. Now, they are celebrating their feasts together. At the same time, they are all sad to hear about the sad events, which happened in Al-Koshh.
The national unity of Muslims and Copts in Egypt is revealed in the architectural similarities in both churches and mosques. The design is very similar from the outside. It only differs from the inside according to each one’s beliefs.


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