Displaying 2341 - 2350 of 2503.
In our country, Egyptians, whether Muslims or Christians, live together peacefully. Our unity is not a slogan, but a nature that has been planted in us many years ago. We believe that the country belongs to all people and religion belongs to God.
Emigrant Egyptians all over the world can now follow the news of their country via the Internet. One particular site provides Muslims all over the world with fatwas in their religion from the Mufti of Egypt. Pope Shenouda also publishes a weekly message on the web to the emigrant Copts.
The bookshop of Mohamed Ali Sobeih in Al-Azhar Street was up once again for auction last week. The bookshop, which also includes a printing press, was built in 1900 and is renowned for its collection of 5,000 masterpieces of Arab and Islamic culture.
Some 200 Egyptian journalists staged a sit-in at the headquarters of their syndicate on August 21, to protest the imprisonment of three of their colleagues and call for the abrogation of laws they said stifle press freedom and inhibit free speech.
Muslims and Christians commemorate the anniversary of Virgin Mary. We all honor and pay homage to the lady who is honored by all religions as the best woman on earth. The Coptic church has lately celebrated the ascension of Virgin Mary in a very unique Egyptian style that usually turns rituals into...
Wa’el Ibrashi got hold of the report the Azhar prepared about Abdel Sabour Shahin and discovered that the report can provide a new charter of freedom of speech, thought and " ijtihad " , bringing to a halt an approach of hunting down intellectuals, thinkers and artists as disparagingly tackling...
The Holy Family had a unique journey in which they passed through almost all Egypt. Dr. Mohammed Abdel Maqsud, the general manger of Sinai and East Delta monuments said that the Holy Family has stopped in many places. The most important places were in Sinai. Concerning the preparations for the...
The articles in Rose el-Yousef of July 10-16 are not the first ones attacking Christian missionary efforts in Egypt. Whenever Muslims discover attempts to convert Muslims to Christ they react in anger which poisons the climate between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. An overview of articles which...
Revd. Louis, a leading Pentecostal pastor in Egypt, is not happy with certain Western missionaries who destroy more then they do good for the church in Egypt. Revd. Louis explains why.
Hulsman asked three Evangelical pastors in Egypt to comment on the two Rose el-Yousef articles. These pastors are certainly not happy with the publications in Rose el-Yousef. Their criticism, however, focuses on the tensions between churches in Egypt and para-Christian organizations, the...


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