Displaying 2411 - 2420 of 2503.
Few people are aware of the preparations that Egypt is making to commemorate the journey of the Holy Family in Egypt during their search for safety from oppression.
To realize how Egyptians received the Islamic Conquest, we should know the fact that many Egyptians converted to Christianity earlier than Romans and Byzantines who were still atheists during the time they were occupying Egypt. Being occupied and governed by atheists, Egyptian Christians had been...
Following the spread of the rumor of appearances of the Virgin Mary at the Coptic Orthodox Church in Al-Minya Al-Qamh, Al-Sharqeyya Governorate, Pope Shenouda called for an investigation. The committee concluded that there have not been appearances.
Historians have differed in exploring the character of Al-Muqawqus and the role he played although he was ’the focal figure’ during the Islamic conquest to Egypt. Dr. Hassan Ibrahim Hassan, professor of Islamic history collected the historians’ ideas about Al-Muqawqus.
Fourteen centuries have passed since the Islamic conquest of Egypt and the first meeting between the conquering Arabs and Egyptian Copts. The article discusses the conquest of Egypt, and the relationships between the Copts and the invading army of Arabs.
The author of this article argues that the playing of taped recitals of the Qur’an in public transport, shops, etc., is inconsistent with the purity, holiness and status of the Book. Those who promote this are Muta’slimeen (Pharisees).
Charged by the Ministry of Education, Muslim and Christian experts from all national trends joined the committee to rewrite the syllabuses about the history of Egypt -- until the Ibn Khaldoun Center began to spread its sectarian ideas about minorities. A summary of interviews with a professor in...
It seems that extremist groups have managed to infiltrate again into university using the atmosphere of freedom. They are trying to impose their extreme ideas by stopping all the activities of university students.
The Pentagono certificates were especially widespread among Protestant Christians, including the Maadi Community Church. Thousands and thousands have participated but the claim in several papers that 300 million US$ was taken out of the country seems to be exaggerated. Was the number inflated to...
A summary of the perceived legislative errors of the 1938 Personal Status Law from the viewpoint of Egyptian Christians.


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