Displaying 11 - 20 of 95.
The police in Munich, South Germany, announced yesterday that 15 suspects were put under provisional detention after a wide operation launched against some Islamic networks.
The article reports on the reprint of an offensive caricature of the Prophet Muhammad by many Danish and European newspapers that was made just one day after a plot to murder of its cartoonist was foiled.
The article reports on Egypt’s political, religious, and public reaction toward recent republication of blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in Danish and European press.
The following article presents an overview of what the author coins the “talibanization” of eduction in Egypt, and the impact that it is having in schooling systems, particularly in relation to Muslims versus Copts.
The article looks at a new religious survey, Freedom in the World, which claims that none of the Christian communities in the Middle East are completely free. The author analyzes the changing face of Christianity in the Middle East and the reasons behind its recent decline.
The article reviews three separate articles published by al-Usbū‘ on recent statements of the prominent Coptic businessman Najīb Sawirus, in which he was reported as criticizing the manifesto of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political party as well as the increasing religious trend in society.
Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm denies fear of returning to Egypt.
The article includes wise sayings that the author considers meaningful and relevant to today.
The Rotterdam Court decided yesterday, on recommendation of the Public Prosecutor, to extend the detention of five men and a woman who are suspected of recruiting Muslims to participate in armed Jihād operations worldwide.
The article is based on a review of a book entitled, ‘Isqāt Nazarīyat Sirā‘ al-Ḥadārāt wa-I‘ādat Taqdīm al-Islām lil-‘Aql al-Gharbī’ [Toppling the Theory of Clash of Civilizations and Re-introduce Islām to the Western Mind] which responds to Samuel Huntington’s theory on the clash of civilizations...


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