Displaying 51 - 60 of 95.
The late US president, Richard Nixon, wrote in his book about the Muslim world that Americans must be careful to draw a line between the conduct of Muslim extremists and the Muslim faith.
No one could deny that the 1980 amendment of the second article of the Egyptian Constitution to have the Islamic sharī‘a [law] as the main source of legislation has raised a lot of sensitivities for the fellow Coptic citizen, whether inside or outside Egypt.
Algeria insisted to abandon the teaching of religion in secondary schools as a conclusive solution to religious extremism and terrorism. Although neighboring Tunisia is a model of how to modernize religious education to serve the contemporary needs without having to abandon it, Algeria did not...
Different reports on whether or not Christians in Islamic countries are persecuted: 30.1 Hermann Schalück OFM Persecuted Christians? Introduction 30.2 Johannes Müller SJ Religious Freedom - Aspirations and Reality Reflections on the Complex Relationship between Christians and Muslims 30.3 Theodor...
The Egyptian Episcopal Church declared its independence from the Community Council [Maglis el-Milli] of Egyptian Evangelical Churches. The declaration caused a struggle between the presidents of the two churches – which led to the intervention of several religious and official authorities in an...
A Saudi judge called for the hadd punishment* of a Tunisian singer because she allegedly compared herself to the Prophet. Some Arab countries demanded the execution of another singer as it was said that she named her dog after one of the prophets. A third singer was imprisoned as he was charged...
The author believes that the recent "International Symposium on Human Civilizations and Cultures: From Dialogue to Alliance," under the aegis of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, represented a false perception of the world; a place where no wars or hostility exist. He...
A review of articles in the Egyptian press on the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, examining the effect of the demonstrations across the Muslim world on Egypt’s tourist industry and suggestions that governments in Islamic countries have encouraged angry opposition to the cartoons to vent...
A declaration issued after the inter-civilization meetings in Tunisia called for cooperation and dialogue among followers of all religions, affirming that terrorism is a global phenomenon that has no nationality or religion.
The author presents some views of security personalities and other experts regarding Islamic groups’ manipulation of democracy.


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