Displaying 471 - 480 of 1104.
The Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Salah stated some years ago to one of the Arab satellite channels that Abu Hamza Al-Masri is an agent for the British Intelligence Service. The author comments on the statement of the president and supports it by statements given by Abu Hamza himself
Some Westerners who converted to Islam use music and songs to preach Islam and to change its tarnished image in the West.
The article recounts the story of a Muslim family living in Northern Ireland and how it was forced to leave as a result of facing many problems after the September 11 attacks.
Background information on Metropolitan Seraphim, head of the British Orthodox Church.
The author reports that the Italian authorities dismissed the Imam of the main mosque in Rome following his sermon urging jihad. This sermon was greatly attacked by leaders of a Zionist organization based in France and work under the cover of human rights. The Simon Wiesenthal Center considered the...
Islamic figures comment on the criticism Abu Hamza Al-Masri leveled at the Gama’a Al-Islamiya because of its condemnation of the attacks in Riyadh and Casablanca.
London overlooked extremist fundamentalists in the 1990´s. When they started to make trouble, it passed a law allowing detaining them without a trial. London ignored requests for extraditing terrorists to their native countries until two Muslim militants launched attacks in Britain. The...
A spokesman of Scotland Yard stated that Muslim policemen are allowed to wear the turban during their work hours instead of the hat, which is part of the formal uniform
The article is an overview of an article published in the Time magazine about Christianity and faith in Europe under the title: ‘Has God died in the hearts of people?”
The secretary of the Malaysian prime minister visited the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in his office. One of the members of the Brotherhood international group in Malaysia participated in the meeting. The group asked him to convince the prime minister to introduce political and financial...


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