Displaying 551 - 560 of 1104.
Fārouq al-Tawīl examines the relationship between al-Zawāhirī’s latest threats to the United States and Britain, and Blair’s new procedures against British Muslims? Those procedures include; closing mosques, depriving Muslims of British nationality and moving them out of Britain. [Editor: These...
There has been massive media coverage about Shalimar the Clown by Salman Rushdie , a British novelist of Indian origin. In the novel, Rushdie states how he believes extremists use Islam as a reference for killing and destruction. The author condemns Rushdie’s claim that the Qur’ān is not a revealed...
the September 11 attacks, have launched a severe attack against Islam. They portray Islam as propagating violence, terrorism, hatred and denial of the other.
In the face of the fierce international terrorist attacks, governments have no choice but to take serious security measures.
Estimating how many potential terrorists reside in one’s country is a highly inexact business, but there’s a striking correlation between a British government report recently leaked to London’s Times a new opinion survey commissioned by the Daily Telegraph. Drawing on unidentified "intelligence,"...
The U.S. Embassy in London has delivered an official apology to Dr. Zakī Badawī, principal of the Muslim College in London and adviser [on Islam] to Prince Charles, for denying him entry to the United States last week.
Italian Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu has announced that a new consultative Islamic council affiliated to the Ministry of Interior is to be formed in an attempt to combat terrorism.
Less than a month after the terrorist attacks on London’s underground system, the French authorities have started to clamp down on extremist imāms who preach hatred, sponsor violence and recruit young Muslims and incite them to jihād.
Two different attitudes towards Arab and Islamic communities in the West have emerged following the London bombings. The first continues to consider that Islamic communities can adapt its identity to modern concepts like democracy. The second attitude is based on anxiety and fear.
The Vatican accused Israel of purposefully distorting Pope Benedict XVI’s last Sunday sermon. It expressed its deep shock at the Israeli reaction to the Pope’s words concerning the recent terrorist attacks that have occurred in different parts of the world.


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