Displaying 631 - 640 of 1104.
“Islamophobia” is a recently published book in Britain which gives the impression of the presence of an extreme fear of Islam that reached the extent of a psychological illness. The author of the book points out that it is necessary to discuss the influence of Islamophobia in Britain and how it...
The article is the third and final part of the interview of Muhammad Abdel-Qodos with Watani´s Editor-in-Chief on his paper´s mission, focus, and stance regarding national issues. This part focuses on Watani´s stance towards the Palestinian issue and America´s war against...
The Old Bailey Court in London extended holding the Egyptian fundamentalist Yasser Al-Serry, the manager of the Islamic Media Observatory in London. The lawyer of another Egyptian fundamentalist in Canada raised a big surprise in the Federal Court of Toronto when he announced his withdrawal from...
The article explains the beliefs and history of the Mormon Church, founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. Christian clergymen refuted the beliefs of the Mormons and said that they have nothing to do with Christianity. There are about 30 foreign Mormons in Maadi district in Egypt. They asked to be members...
The leader of the Ansar Al-Shari´a group in London said that the British intelligence service men asked him to use a moderate manner of preaching and that they do want him to speak about jihad but to express an imploring, sorrowful Islam. He added that he encourages the Muslims who want to...
The belief of the millennium was the entrance point from which Zionism penetrated Christianity in the West. The belief in the idea of the chosen people acted as a fertile ground for the growth of the theory of the inter-civilizational clash. The Christian Church disapproves of the two beliefs.
In Britain, video and cassette tapes inciting the British Muslims to join the jihad against the Jews and the unbelievers [Christians and Westerners] are sold in front of the mosques. Some British investigators believe that these tapes were the reason for the recruiting of many British Muslims who...
It was reported that America asked some Islamic countries to develop their religious education and that an American-British delegation had visited the Azhar to get acquainted with its curricula. The papers reported such news items play a negative role, as they give the impression that the mission...
The Grand Imam speaks about the agreement the Azhar signed with the Anglican Church. He said that there would be more agreements with other churches in the future. He added that the most important thing is that the dialogue should not focus on creeds. It should focus more on supporting the...
The author believes that America helped the Islamic revolution in Iran to establish the Islamic Shiite Iranian republic and helped Islamists in Egypt with the aim of establishing the Islamic Sunni republic in Egypt, to create conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites in the Islamic world. America...


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