Date of source: Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Reference to articles in this issue that help to understand Egyptian culture and developments in society.
Date of source: Sunday, February 20, 2005
While those who convert to Islam, such as Cat Stevens, Jemina Khan, and Lord Birt, the former BBC Director – General, can publicly celebrate their new religion, those whose faith goes in the other direction face persecution.
Muslims who lose their faith face execution or imprisonment, in line with...
Date of source: Saturday, February 12, 2005
“See how We prefer one of them above another, and verily the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preferment.” [Chapter of al-Isrā’ (The Night Journey) 17: 21, The Meaning of the Holy Qurā’n by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall].
This verse dismisses preferment of the creation on the...
Date of source: Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Not so long ago, I lashed out at some fatwas [Muslim religious opinions or decrees given by a Mufti or another Muslim scholar, based on Islamic Law and logical measurement] issued by shaykh Youssuf al-Qaradāwī concerning the slaughter in Iraq under the name of ‘resistance’ as well as others...
Date of source: Saturday, February 12, 2005
Some odd news items imply deep significances as last week many newspapers around the globe published that Condoleezza Rice has distributed 18 pocket atlases to the journalists escorting her on her first tour of Europe and the Middle East since she assumed her new post as U.S. secretary of state so...
Date of source: Monday, January 31, 2005
The family of Abu Hamza al-Masrī has stated that the administration of Belmarsh Prison in south west London has confiscated his two hooks and kept him in solitary confinement, where his human rights are being violated.
Date of source: Friday, January 28, 2005
British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised yesterday that the United Kingdom would hold only a few people under house arrest according to the new emergency powers sought to fight terrorism in the country.
Date of source: Saturday, January 29, 2005
Asmā’ was a happy 11-year-old girl whose childish innocent laughs used to fill every nook and cranny in the house. Even when her daddy tied her legs, she never stopped laughing. She believed that he was kidding with her. That was until she suddenly felt terrible pain in her neck.
Date of source: Sunday, January 16, 2005
The British courts ordered £ 10.000 compensation for a British Muslim called Muhammad Khān after he was sacked from his job for going on a five-week pilgrimage to Mecca
Date of source: Monday, January 17, 2005
Egypt’s Interior Minister Habīb al-‘Ādlī made the first official announcement that Iran handed over the fugitive Mustafa Hamza to Egypt, on the sidelines of the Arab interior ministers meeting recently held in Tunisia.