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Police in Amman, Zarqa and Irbid are questioning the families of three women who were reportedly killed last week in three separate crimes that were all related to "family honor," officials said on Monday.
Islamist Sheikh Abdul Mun’em Abu Zant was again detained by the prosecutor general on Wednesday for violating the Sermons Law, which prohibits radical sermons, but was later released on bail pending trial.
The Criminal Court on Thursday sentenced a 19-year-old man to a 12-month prison-term after finding him guilty of killing his pregnant sister by running her over with his pickup in the Jordan Valley for "reasons of honor" in February of this year. The article mentions similar ruling in which murders...
The results of last week’s municipal elections, in which Islamists won main municipalities, showed that the relationship between the government and opposition parties is on the mend. The results, which were released on Friday following a one-day extension of the vote due to low turnout, were...
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