Displaying 191 - 200 of 357.
The Ministry of Antiquities announced the opening of the Museum of Islamic Art every Saturday evening for visitors, the first of which will be tomorrow evening.
      Google celebrated the birthday of artist Ḥusayn Bīkār… First to establish the Wax Museum First artist to draw a book cover His last project to produce a cinematic film was stopped due to his religion He converted to the Baha'ī faith and was imprisoned in 1985 for...
Through its permanent delegation to the United Nations in Geneva, Egypt participated in sponsoring a musical concert by the Onuart cultural foundations. This took place in the Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Hall in the United Nations’ headquarters in Geneva, as part of today’s...
[There is a mistake in the title of the original Arabic article. Should read: "6 Advtantages to..."] Today, President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī inaugurated the Museum of Islamic Art, after its renovation and development following the damage it incurred during the bombing of the Cairo Security...
Dr. Khālid al-ʿInānī, Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, said that Egypt, throughout its history, has excelled in religious tolerance throughout the various eras it has endured.
On the 9th of March, The Center for Coptic Studies at the Library of Alexandria will organize the “Annual Day of Coptic Heritage” at the al-Sinārī House in the al-Sayyida Zaynab neighborhood in Cairo, which is affiliated with the Library of Alexandria. The celebration will include an artistic...
  In 1889 [translators note: this date is most likely a typing mistake, correct date unknown] in one of Damascus’ streets, I picked up a photograph of a blind Muslim named Muḥammad carrying on his back this disabled Christian dwarf named Samīr.
“Egypt the Cradle of Religions” is the title of an exhibition, which will be hosted by the Egyptian Museum at al-Taḥrīr on the sixth anniversary of the 25th of January Revolution. Ilhām Ṣalāḥ [Ilham Salah], head of the museum sector, said that the exhibition would last for a month or two. She...
The Egyptian Writers' Union, headed by Dr.  ʿAlā ʾ ʿAbd al-Khāliq [Alaa Abd Elkhaleq] mourns, along with the creative and intellectual audience in Egypt and the MENA region, the loss of the great novelist Aḥmad al-Shaykh. Aḥmad al-Shaykh passed away yesterday evening, at the age of 78. In his...
"The people of love stay alive even when they die” is a famous saying by Ibn al-Fāriḍ. This saying embodies the lived reality of millions of Egyptians, Muslims and Christians alike. Throughout Egypt, religious festivals have been held in the memory of prominent religious figures for hundreds of...


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