Displaying 221 - 230 of 344.
Mansheyet Nāsser is mostly a Coptic area situated on the lowest slope of the Moqattam hill. This is the residence of the Zabalīn, or slum dwellers, who cart away the rubbish of Cairo metropolis. Apart from a dozen houses inhabited by Muslims and a small “masjid” (mosque) among the dusty roads...
Thousands of mourners gathered at a mosque outside Cairo Sunday for the funeral of actor Fāten Hamāma, a pillar of Middle Eastern cinema who died a day earlier after a career that spanned seven decades and graced the golden age of Egyptian film-making.
Iconic Egyptian film star Fāten Hamāma, who was dubbed the “lady of the Arabic screen,” passed away on Saturday, al-`Arabiya’s correspondent reported. She was 83.
  When Khedive Isma`īl came to power in Egypt, he wanted to establish a modern, elegant and vibrant downtown for Cairo that would rival the urban down towns of Europe. After years of neglect, it seems that both private and government-led initiatives to revive Cairo’s downtown are finally making...
The revolution has triggered a profusion of artistic expressions and opened a vigorous struggle between the independent culture players and those in power. Today, the creators find alternative refuges.
A hiker has discovered a 3,500-year-old Egyptian seal, which is shaped like a scarab beetle. It is thought to represent Pharaoh Thutmose III, who was considered the 'Napoleon of Egypt' as he captured 350 cities during his 54-year rule in the 15th century BC.
Researchers in Egypt using advanced scanning techniques to study the Pyramids said this week that they had detected “thermal anomalies” within the Great Pyramid of Giza that could indicate the presence of an undiscovered tomb.
In his article published in Al-Yawm al-Sābi`, Ahmad Ibrahīm writes, that writers who experienced Najīb Mahfūz, either follow his same attempts at innovation and experimentation in form or take the novel writing into a different path of innovation. When al-Kharrāt began writing in the early fifties...
The Egyptian archeologist of Islamic and Coptic antiquities, Sāmeh al-Zahhār, confirmed that Egypt's celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (Mawlid al-Nabi) that falls on the 12th day of the third month of the Islamic calendar, Rabī` al-Awal at the same time as the celebration of the birth of...
After the success of “1st Egypt Comix Week” (22-27 September 2014), Sefsāfa Culture and Publishing is planning for 2nd Egypt Comix Week (2-7 November 2015).


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