Displaying 241 - 250 of 344.
A painting, depicting the Prophet Muhammad, was stolen from a mosque in Darb Ahmar from the mihrab. The theft has adversely affected the value of the ancient mosque, which has been around since Ottoman times. This incident is not the first in this area of Cairo. Read original text in Arabic
An area in the city of Fayoum is being inspected by an engineering committee, as cracks in the earth have appeared just 300 meters away from some Islamic monuments. Some houses and shops were also damaged. So far, the cause of this erosion is not clear.
Dr. 'Abd al-Qawī Khalīfah, Cairo governor, assured the necessity of taking all engineering, scientific, artistic measures to protect Monastery of Sama‘ān al-Kharāz in al-Duwayqah area for its global and touristic value. [Reviewer's Note: News story was also covered in al-Yawm al-Sābi', May 25, 2011...
Al-Nūr Mosque in the al-'Abasīyah district in Cairo has witnessed unrest in recent weeks. The land on which the mosque was built was originally given to al-Hidāyah al-Islāmīyah Society, headed by Shaykh Hāfiz Salāmah. Its followers prevented the mosque preacher, Shaykh Ahmad Turk, from ascending...
In a seminar in Alexandria, Zāhī Hawwās, the head of the National Council for Antiquities stressed that restoration of Jewish antiquities in Egypt has nothing to do with Israel, asserting that the Jewish antiquities are part of the Egyptian heritage.   Hawwās rejected the anger of some Copts at...
 A conference on the “Role of the universities, NGOs, the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and the media, in preserving Coptic antiquities during the period from 1976 to 2009” was recently held in Cairo. The conference was organized by the Italian Institute for antiquities and restoration in...
Rockstar and peace activist Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) has created a new song "My People" dedicated to the people of Egypt. In Riz Khans program on Al Jazeera he talked about the role of music in the present wave of change. The song will be freely available from his website www.yusufislam....
United Arab Emirates opened its first coptic archaeological site on its land for visitors. It is the monastery of Eastern Assyrian Church which dates back to the 7th century A.D., according to Emirates News Agency.  
The author Yūsuf Zīdān recently revealed that, after having been translated into Anatolian, his controversial book “‘Azāzīl” has become the second best-selling book in Turkey. He also revealed that his new book “al-Nabatī” is currently the best-selling book in Egypt and that the publishing house...
As the Coptic Museum in Cairo turns 100 years old, this article reflects on the museum’s history, collections, and features. It also highlights the museum’s centenary celebration, which was attended by Grand Mufti ‘Alī Jum‘ah, as well as Egyptian actor ‘Umar al-Sharīf. In addition, the article also...


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