Displaying 261 - 270 of 344.
This article gives a summary of the life and work of Coptologist and archaeologist Girgis Daoud (1930 – 2010).
This article describes the many changes and restorations made to the Anba Antonious Monastery in Sinai. The recent restorations have been in multiple phases over the past 10 years. There also have been recent archaeological finds in the vicinity, including Monk's cells and ancient Coptic writing....
The author writes about the opening of the St. Antonious monastery after an eight year restoration project.
At a gathering at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Arab writers denounce censorship and restriction of freedom of expression.
Al-Wafd publishes a response by Dr. Zāhī Hawās to an article that was written by Father Marqus ‘Azīz Khalīl, the priest at the Hanging Church in Cairo. In the previous article Khalīl complained about the pace of the restoration works taking place at the Hanging Church but in this article Hawās...
Shaykh Yūusf al-Badrī responds to Shaykh ‘Alā’ Abū al-‘Azāyim’s attacks against the sunnah and refers to Caliph ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattāb’s argument about why churches should not be built, contrasting those statements to the current reality where people of different beliefs have increased in number and...
The Sultan Monastery is considered the most valuable Coptic Orthodox Church property in Palestine. Israel gave it to the Ethiopian Church.
The author reviews the book by Watani reporter Robeir al-Faris entitled Magic and Copts—Study and Texts. This books attempts to separate the Christian religion from Egyptian cultural practices that remain from before Egyptians embraced Christianity. The book maintains that Christianity bans magic,...
The author reviews the three volume selected works of Tarek Heggy, the liberal Egyptian political thinker and international petroleum strategist.
The story of Dayr al-Maymoun, 50kms south of Cairo where St Anthony sowed the seeds of monasticism.


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