Displaying 281 - 290 of 344.
Muhammad Salmāwī reports on the book fair in Geneva where Egypt was the guest of honor.
The article explains a map that was sent to Arab West Report by H.E. Governor Ahmed Dia el-Din concerning the Abu Fana monastery.
The author reviews a book by Robert Waldron entitled, ’Thomas Merton. Master of Attention,’ and the related discussions on spirituality.
The author discusses the tradition of cooking the Chrism Oil in the desert monastery of Anba Bishoi.
Translation throughout the Arab world is discussed, in particular the difficultly in marketing and distributing translated works.
At the start of the twentieth century two German men with a passion for photography came to Egypt to live and photograph the social environment. The business they set up in downtown still exists today.
A renovation project at a mosque in Luxor has uncovered evidence of a Coptic church and rare pharaonic inscriptions from the reign of Ramses II.
Lotus Kīwān managed to conduct an interview with the only Egyptian family that still uses the Coptic language in their everyday conversations.
A group of students and scholars from Claremont University in the U.S recently visited the Coptic sites of Egypt. In the article the dean of the religion department who took part in the trip describes her experiences.
The conservative cleric Yūsuf al-Badrī has requested that the Islamic Dā‘iyah Su‘ād Sālih publicly repent over three fatwás concerning her stances toward artists, as well as her rejection of divorce via SMS.


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