Displaying 301 - 310 of 344.
The author reviews a book about Egyptians’ traditions and customs authored by Sāmyah ‘Abd al-Nūr entitled, “Egyptian Customs and Festivals.”
The article presents an overview of Coptic art that was displayed in the British Museum in an exhibition entitled, “La Bouche du Roi,” from March 22 to May 13.
Pope Shenouda III says persecution has existed since the early ages of Christianity and people should have a clear intention and understanding of what they are doing when giving alms or donating to beggars. He stresses that patience and adherance to Christian beliefs and the Bible teachings are...
This is not the first time the ground in front of the Hanging Church has caved in. Government officials and architectural engineers have visited the Hanging Church after the initial collapse and they wrote reports about what happened. Nevertheless no action has been taken to permanently solve the...
We spent an interesting evening gathering at the Church of St. Mary in Al-Sharabiya where the first seminar about Coptic heritage was held. This seminar was organized by the Association of the Lovers of Coptic Heritage and opened by Bishop Martirous and Dr. Abdel Dayim Nousir, deputy head of the...
The author highlights Coptic antiquities and art, and their contribution to history.
The article discusses a plan to further develop Coptic Studies at Claremont Graduate University, and points to a number of individuals, students and Coptic figures, who both support the program and see the potential for increasing Coptic awareness around the globe.
The author examines the intertwined history of the Coptic language and the introduction of Arabic in Egypt, underlining the influence that both have had on the history of Egypt.
Most Jews worldwide are commemorating their exodus from Egypt as reviewed by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
A review of a showcase of Coptic Iconic art held in Paris. The ’Icones Coptes’ show displayed 52 icons by 17 artists from the Fanūs School of Iconic art.


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