Displaying 3691 - 3700 of 4798.
The author discusses the tradition of Ramaḍān Ifṭār banquets, and the “rosy picture” that they present of Muslim-Christian relations.
The author narrates a background history to the deteriorating situation of Christians in the East. He identifies the reasons behind this deterioration and discusses the origins of religious fundamentalism and the autocratic regimes in the Arab world.
The article discusses a letter sent by over 130 Muslim scholars to Christian leaders around the world, stressing the need for global peace.
The author talks about the attacks on Islam represented in an American campaign organized by some fanatics and Israel’s attempts to issue a UN decree to prohibit the Islamic parties from sharing in elections.
The article discusses the process of increasing the space allocated for religious items in the media during the Muslim holy month of Ramaḍān, and the decrease in articles that discuss topics related to non-Muslims.
The article is based on an interview with Mr. Hānī ‘Azīz, consultant of the Union of Egyptians Abroad and an intimate friend of Pope Shenouda, on the affairs of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
The Egyptian Minister of Endowments Maḥmūd Ḥamdī Zaqzūq called on Muslims to visit the Aqsá Mosque to support the Palestinian cause and show the entire world that the Aqṣá Mosque is an issue for Muslims everywhere.
Muḥammad ‘Imārah claims that expatriate Copts raise suspicions about the Qur’ān to undermine Islam and prove that the Qur’ān is equal to the Bible, when in reality they are aware of the Bible’s perversion.
Subḥī Mujāhid reports on the Fatwá Committee at the Azhar’s refusal to recognize Coptic lawyer and human rights activist Counselor Najīb Jibrā’īl’s demand to not allow Coptic minors under the age of 21 to change their religion.
Shīrīn Rabīc reports on an Iftār banquet organized by a Coptic lawyer and human rights activist in honor of the Islamic thinker and lawyer Yūsuf al-Badrī in celebration of their reconciliation after a short period of tensions between them.


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