Date of source: Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Some people are appearing on satellite channels and issue strange fatwas in return for astronomical amounts of money - that rival the sums received by movie stars and singers - without a thought for the confusion they cause.
Date of source: Thursday, July 21, 2005
Everyone in politics is talking about the expected announcement that the Wafd party and the Muslim Brotherhood will unite in boycotting presidential elections and organizing parliament elections.
Date of source: Wednesday, July 27, 2005
The attacks and hostilities against Islam have manipulated the rhetoric and agenda of the third conference of the Islamic Sharīʿa Forum in the United States, which was held in the state of Sokto, Nigeria.
Date of source: Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Militarized Islamist fundamentalism, or what is now known as al-Qācida, is responsible for all this death and destruction. They were responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the bombings of the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar el Salaam in 1998, which killed more than 200 people, mostly civilians.
Date of source: Saturday, July 23, 2005
The book Al-Islām wa Usoul al-Hukm [Islam and the fundamentals of rule] by ‘Alī ‘Abd al-Rāziq, which was published in 1925, offers a comprehensive analysis arguing that Prophet Muhammad was not a king, and that Islam does not have a system of governance under the banner of belief.
Date of source: Monday, July 25, 2005
It is high time that a fatwa was issued judging Usāma Bin Lādin and his disciples non-Muslims. We actually need a spate of counter-fatwas to confirm that Islam condemns violence against the innocent.
Date of source: Saturday, July 23, 2005
Nothing competes with the fatwa-issuing business in Egypt. Television, newspapers and the internet are stuffed with fame-craving shaykhs wrestling with differences in opinion about religious issues.
Date of source: Sunday, July 17, 2005
The report issued by the State Council commission, which confirmed the Islamic sharī‘a as the main legislative source according to the third [Editor: should be second] article of the constitution, has provoked positive reactions among the political coulisses. The report also stated that the...
Date of source: Sunday, July 17, 2005
An urgent meeting of the International Organization was held in London to discuss the Brotherhood’s failure to attract the Egyptian public’s support for their policies and to determine a clear stance regarding Mubārak’s regime.
Date of source: Saturday, July 9, 2005
In the light of the sad London blasts, one is sad for the British losses, as well as the Muslim losses. Whenever wise people promote the good core of Islam, unwise people destroy what was done.