Displaying 4661 - 4670 of 4759.
Al-Arabi newspaper knew that the security authorities have only released 800 arrested members from Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiyya (the illegal Islamic group). The security authorities should have released 1200 arrested members last May. This decision led to a new internal crisis between the members of Al-...
This article is a translation of "The faculty recruiting ’extremists’ " in Rose Al-Youssef, July 3, 1999, by Wa’el Al-Abrashi and was covered in last week’s RNSAW.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and expected to soon command the largest following in the country after Christianity. Many employers are unfamiliar with Islam, which is practiced by 1.2 billion people worldwide, and often don’t know how to handle Muslims’ requests.
[This article appeared in Al-Ahram, June 16, 1999] The Egyptian press has for years revealed the corruption taking place in universities and criticized officials for not taking a positive action towards this dangerous phenomenon. The corruption is not limited to students but has spread to include...
Leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood [in Jordan] on Wednesday confirmed reports of feuds between "centrists" and "hardliners" over financial and administrative affairs.
In the opening session of the Islamic conference, Minister of Endowments Hamdi Zaqzouq delivered a speech on behalf of President Mubarak in which he called for serious thinking on the issue of "The renaissance of the Islamic world" which is what the conference is about.
The season of the American campaigns against Egypt has started. The opening headlines of one of the biggest newspapers - "New York Times" - started its campaign against Egypt last month by criticizing the new law of the civil associations and describing it as "a law that aims at keeping the...
The writer lists a series of incidents at the Cairo University faculty supposedly carried out by Islamic groups at the university and insists that they are a cancer that may spread and destroy many good young people, and must therefore be gotten rid of.
The Supreme Military Court handed down its verdicts in lawsuit number 3 for 1999, dubbed as the Revival of Gamaa Al-Islamiyya Organization case in Alexandria. The Court passed life imprisonment sentences with hard labor against 4 defendants, 15 years imprisonment with hard labor against 8, ten...
The eleventh meeting of the International Conference of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs will begin next Tuesday [22 June 1999] morning at the Marriott Hotel, Cairo. The Conference is being organized under the patronage of President Hosni Mubarak who will give an opening address which the...


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