Displaying 861 - 870 of 1234.
The International Criminal Law Bureau has issued a report on the history of the Muslim Brotherhood and its relations with terrorist organisations such as ISIS, Qaeda and Boko haram. It cites many examples of the links between the brotherhood and these terrorist organisations using official academic...
The government made the decision last Thursday to reinstate Hasan al-Najjār to his post in Nasr city, which will recommence on 28th April. This comes after the ruling of 4 years imprisonment and a 50,000 EP fine imposed on him due to his involvement in demonstrations supporting former president...
On Friday, Apr. 26, Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawāḍrūs II received the Grand Shaykh of al-Azhar Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib together with an Azhar delegation who came to congratulate the Pope for the feast of Easter. Pope Tawāḍrūs explained that as long as the Church and Azhar continue to have good relations, Egypt...
The U.K. Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood called on Egyptian authorities during his meeting with President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi Thursday to review the case of Aljazeera journalists and to take more steps for the political reform.
The Marrakesh declaration contrasts with the World Watch List 2016 of Open Doors, released on January 13, 2016, in which 50 countries, mostly Muslim, are listed as countries where Christians are persecuted most. Open Doors is identifying Islamic Extremism as the main persecution engine in Egypt...
The fight against IS must also be fought in ideological terms. Egyptian Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Salah, who speaks the language of Salafi Muslims, is eager to play a role in this effort. This is the background of my contribution to the Op Ed page in Trouw.  
  Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm underlines the need for a dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood, since they are part of the Egyptian society and most families have relatives with links to them. Discussing the conditionality of such a dialogue, Ibrāhīm makes it clear that any sort of violence against people...
Purpose of this visit was to create understanding between Egypt and the West, Muslims and Christians. The Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) advocates dialogue based on facts and acceptance of peoples of different beliefs and convictions but does not want to advocate any political or...
Pope Tawāḍrūs: Egypt stands out among the world’s countries The Coptic Patriarch Tawāḍrūs said that the first monk lived in Egypt, where the first congregation was founded too, and that the Egyptian nation therefore has a special place in human history. Using the metaphor of the lighthouse, he...
The Assembly of Islamic Research congratulates Copts on Easter, saying “Egyptians are One Cloth” The Assembly of Islamic Research at al-Āzhar University congratulated Pope Tūādrūs the Second and all Copts for the solutions used during the Easter celebrations. The statement explained that Copts...


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