Displaying 1191 - 1200 of 1474.
The Azhar Scholars Front said they were happy with Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib’s decision to cancel his meeting with the Iranian Vice President, Hamid Baghai. Head of the Scholars Front, Dr. Muhammad Al-Barrī, requested there be no official meetings between the Azhar and Iran unless the ‘Umar Ibn al-...
Head of "The Committee of Embracing Islam," Amīn ‘Aāmer, revealed the ease of legally converting to Islam. The whole process is walked through by The Azhar (including issuing new commercial registers to avoid tithing) and takes only half an hour. ‘Aāmer claims to have converted many priests, nuns,...
Dr. Ibraheem Nigm explains how Islamophobes are playing on people's emotions regarding 9/11 to promote hate against American-Muslims. Most Muslim-Americans believe that the current prejudice against them is just a phase that almost every ethnic group in America has experienced, and that it will...
لا اقبل اختزال ديني في علامة خارجية هي حجاب او نقاب، فإيماني هو ما وقر في قلبي وصدق عليه عملي ما دمت اعتقد اني على الحق واقرب الى الله من غيري الذي يختزل دينه في قطعة قماش. الفرائض التي نص عليها الاسلام معروفة وليس منها ملبس محدد للمرأة...فلا فضل لمحجبة على سافرة او سافرة على محجبة الا بالتقوى...
 Cornelis Hulsman's farewell speech given at Cairo University in June 2009.
In 2000, after violent protests against it, the anti-Islamic book translated as A Banquet for Seaweed was banned in Egypt. The widespread nature of the protests reflects the domination of religious thought in Egypt; however, the book was defended by Syrian author Hilmī al-Nimnim.   According to al-...
Al-Shurūq al-Jadīdah reports on appointing ‘Abd al-Hādī al-Qasabī Shaykh of Sūfism and ‘Abd Allāh al-Husaynī president of the Azhar University.
The Criminal Court releases 16 members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Chancellor of the Azhar University, Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib, has been appointed assigned Grand Imām of the Azhar by a presidential ruling. As such, al-Tayyib has become the 48th Grand Imām in the history of the most prominent institution in Sunnī Islam. Al-Tayyib expressed his surprise at the...
Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib was appointed Grand Imām of the Azhar after the death of the late Shaykh Tantāwī. The author suggests that Dr. al-Tayyib’s absence from Muslim-Christian occasions, meetings and conferences raises questions and raises doubts among Copts.


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