Displaying 1281 - 1290 of 1407.
The interview with Muṣṭafá al- Fiqī, chief of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the People’s Assembly, is about the new amendments to the Constitution, the concept of the citizenship, and the Coptic political stance among these changes.
The article discusses honor killings and the reasons behind them. It highlights organizations that are attempting to combat these crimes, and their frequency throughout the Islamic and Western worlds.
There is no median between a religious state and a civil state. Many observers consider the proposed constitutional amendments to be encouraging political Islamic groups. While Muslim groups deny any contradiction between article two of the Egyptian Constitution and the principles of citizenship,...
In this article, Dr. ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Baḥrāwī, a professor of philosophy at Banhā University, responds to the allegation of a writer who claims that the author of the book entitled, ‘Dirāsāt fī al-farq’ [Studies in the Differences] is trying to strip Copts of their religious identity.
The article exposes the reason for the Ministry of Endowments’ delay in the project to unify the Adhān. The project still teeters between the minister of endowments and the rejecters in the religious committee in People’s Assembly.
Ṭāhā Farghalī reports about the incident of destroying 17 Christian websites.
Who has the right to issue a Fatwá?
The minister of endowments asserted that the project that will unify the calls to prayers would eliminate randomness and noisy voices.
The author reviews three books on Islamic studies.
The Ḥijāb is not an obligation in Islām, and it is dangerous to easily classify certain concepts under the known and proven. Islām needs innovating scholars who are able to bring it up to date while maintaining the sense of Sharī‘ah, depending on the reasonable interpretation of the Qur’ān and the...


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