Displaying 1291 - 1300 of 1474.
The article discusses the intellectual atmosphere in the Islamic world. ‘Abd al-Mu‘ṭī Bayyumī criticizes the haphazard opinions spread by writers who have no plain identity concerning the issues they handle.
The issue of minor Christian girls who disappear took a new course last week when Counselor Najīb Jibrāʾīl submitted a legal memorandum to the general prosecutor about the issue.
The article discusses the political failure of the banned Muslim Brotherhood that tends to raise less important issues merely to gain media fame rather than any real political presence in society.
The article is a personal interpretation of Islam presented by al-Nogaidan. He explores his experiences with Islam, beginning with extremist ideologies that were fostered in Saudi Arabia, to his realization of Islam as a try religion of peace.
Another Coptic teenager disappears. Her family accused a Muslim young man of kidnapping the girl. The father said that the minutes he signed at the police station had been falsified, and that after he had signed they added his alleged acknowledgment of a love relationship between his daughter and...
Jamāl al-Bannā reviews the contents of a Web site of a Sudanese Muslim scholar who belongs to the Qur’anis Group. The Sudanese scholar refuted the teaching of a book that belonged to a member of the ‘Sunnah Supporters’ group which affirmed that the Prophetic Sunnah is as important to Muslims as the...
An article, written by the Muftī of Egypt, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah, was published on the Muslims Speak Out on-line forum and affirmed that unless they disturb public order, those who revert from Islam face no worldly punishment.
The Muftī of Egypt Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah asserted that Muslims are free to change their faith as it is a matter between an individual and God.
The article presents the views of some intellectuals and Islamic scholars on the issue of Christians who converted to Islam and then decided to return to Christianity for personal and worldly factors.
Thanā’ Rustum interviewed Fāḍil Sulaymān, director of the Jisūr [Bridges] Institute, on the mission of his institution as well as his efforts to reform the distorted image of Islam in the West in general and the U.S. in particular.


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