Displaying 1351 - 1360 of 1407.
The Qur’an’s so-called scientific miracle business has thrived at the hands of Dr. Zaghlul Al-Naggar, a phenomenon who introduced himself as an expounder of the geologist verses in the Qur’an on the grounds that geology is his specialization.
The battles that Dr. Bint Al-Shate` waged against Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud in the late 1970’s were the fiercest ones fought over the issue of the scientific miracles of the Qur’an. This came at a time when this trend was in its infancy, and had not yet developed into the mega-industry that it has become...
Banks are all the same, regardless whether they carry the name Islamic or not. They all work in accordance with a worldwide banking system. A study conducted by a group of professors and think-tanks from the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) held that the so-called Islamic banks are...
The Qur’an is a book of religion and guidance, not one of chemistry or physics. The denial of any so-called scientific miracles is not a blasphemy because the Qur’an is not required, nor should it be required, to function as a reference in medicine or a PhD in geology.
One feels terrified when one hears about the recent acts of kidnapping hostages in Iraq. Kidnappers always raise Islamic mottos that encourage taking civilians as hostages in time of war. I hurried to the Mufti, Sheikh Ali Goma’a, seeking answers to many questions so that I may be able convince...
Sheikh al-Qaradawi responded to a question about the abduction of American civilians in Iraq and explained that Americans came to Iraq as invaders and all of them are combatants who should be fought. Some foreign and Arab media outlets picked up Sheikh Al-Qaradawi's answer and added to it words...
Hisba [Refers to the right of a Muslim to defend public morality. Suing on behalf of religion] Takfir lawsuits [i.e. lawsuits in which the complainant accuse other of unbelief] spread on a wide-scale in Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan and Lebanon. The most famous lawsuits among these were filed against Dr....
In his attempt to restore the spiritual side of the azan, Minister of Endowments Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq has begun a project intended to unify the voices and times of the azan. This step came after a noticeable increase in the number of mosques which has opened the door to many muezzins [the person...
American researcher Cheryl Benard has recently published a report on the current condition of Islam with the Rand Corporation, which is considered the strategic mind of America. The researcher said with surprising forthrightness that “The West should interfere – using a well-set plan - in...
The story of the American professor of mathematics Jeffrey Lang who embraced Islam is an outstanding example of moving from the darkness of atheism to the light of faith. When Westerns join Islam, they do not do this through the same approach we [Orientals] adopt, but they come with a new approach...


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