Displaying 231 - 240 of 520.
The Egyptian Social Democratic Party called upon governments, parliaments, and international organisations in Europe, the Middle East and around the world to support the Palestinians to gain their legitimate rights. The ESDP expressed its full support for the Palestinian people in their struggle to...
In monopolizing tragedy and human suffering, Zionists have hoisted the Holocaust onto the political stage, using it as a psychological shield and as a preemptive media attack on a number of parties such as the Germans, Polish, and French, who have long been occupied with peace in the Middle East. ...
Throughout his life, AWR friend Henk Glimmerveen (1923-2020) showed that engaged citizens can make a difference.
The Israeli Center for Near East Policy Research reviewed more than one hundred text books that are used in Palestinian schools. The writer Nurit Yohanan pointed out that the results clearly demonstrate that the upcoming generations of Palestinians are taught to hate Israel. The school curricula of...
Portuguese Cartoonist Vasco Gargalo has been subjected to an Israeli campaign accusing him of anti-Semitism and demanding that he be dismissed, because of a caricature in solidarity with Palestine.  This caricature coincided with the publishing of the American plan known as “the Deal of the Century...
After years of waiting, American President Donald Trump announced his plan to end the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, also known as “The Deal of the Century,” considered to “be the most serious, realistic, and detailed plan that has ever been presented.”After years of waiting, American President...
Dr. P.B. Dirksen is very pleased with the translation of Cornelis Hulsman’s 1982 booklet Oz Ve-Shalom, an Orthodox Jewish Peace movement in the 1980's which, he writes, comes at the right time. After forty years the text has lost none of its significance and is completely relevant to the current...
Cornelis Hulsman became interested in the Israeli movement for peace between Israelis and Palestinians early on in his career. He was born into a Dutch Christian Reformed family deeply interested in Israel and convinced that the modern State of Israel was based on Biblical prophecies that God would...
In the United States, "dramatic" shifts and changes in American society and politics are affecting Jewish Americans and Israel, according to a study published by the National Security Research Institute at Tel Aviv University last week.
An announcement by the Israeli foreign ministry regarding the visits of a number of Arab journalists from Saudi Arabic, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Jordan, comes amidst repeated attempts by Israel to overcome Arab refusal to the Israeli occupation.


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