Date of source: Saturday, November 6, 2010
Dr. ‘Abd Allāh al-Ash‘al is a controversial figure who stepped down from his former position as Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2003. In an interview with al-Dustūr, al-Ash‘al talks about several issues, such as Israel’s former president’s claims about his country’s plans to infiltrate...
Date of source: Monday, November 1, 2010
Lam‘ī says that Hizb Allāh leader Hasan Nasr Allāh is both a curse and a blessing for Lebanon because he represents both the resistance against Israel, as well as a defect in the Lebanese government by his group’s mere existence. He talks about the allegations of Hizb Allāh being involved in Rafīq...
Date of source: Saturday, October 30, 2010
Egyptian blogger Dalyā Ziyādah says she won the Anna Lindh Euro-Med Prize for writing an article in English criticizing the large number of women wearing niqāb and blaming it on the Azhar. The article says that the Anna Lindh foundation is considered suspicious for its relations with Zionism and...
Date of source: Friday, September 17, 2010
AWR contributor Michael Burslem explains how Palestinian Christians are appealing to the global Christian community for support and encouragement….
Date of source: Friday, May 14, 2010
This article reflects on the Muslim reactions to Netanyahu’s claim that Jerusalem, or Zion, is mentioned in the Bible as the homeland of the Jews 850 times.
Date of source: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
This article discusses the situation of expatriate Jewish students in Egypt. A handful of these students shared their views and experiences from the social tensions that have arisen from the on-going Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Date of source: Thursday, May 20, 2010
This article focuses on Archbishop Bīshūy’s statements concerning entering the Palestinian territories. He refuses to enter in a way that would place an Israeli stamp in his passport
Date of source: Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Rashād Kāmil, in an article in Rose al-Yūsuf, refers to a call issued by sixteen Palestinian Christian figures, asking Christians worldwide to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Date of source: Friday, February 12, 2010
AWR Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman’s article for the Reformatorisch Dagblad on the release of Dr. M. De Blois’ new book “Israel: a state in discussion?”
Date of source: Sunday, April 18, 2010
This article discusses the appropriateness of Egyptian knowledge concerning Israeli arts and culture. It is argued that it is important for Egypt to be a part of the global culture, and so have a vast understanding of the world around them. This includes Israel, although many in Egypt consider...