Displaying 261 - 270 of 358.
An Israeli TV program depicted Christian clergymen in a disparaging manner. Italian sources stated to the Israeli paper Ma’ariv that if Jewish men of religion were mocked in the same way, Jewish organizations would have considered that an act of anti-Semitism. Full Text
Zāhī Hawwās, head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, refutes the claim that the Jews built the Pyramids.
One of the most renowned British publishers has issued two editions of ‘Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel’ which examines Zionist terrorism.
Dr. ‘Āmir al-Zanātī, a professor of Hebrew in the Faculty of Arts at ‘Ayn Shams University, has studied the way in which Jewish orientalists depict the Prophet Muhammad to Hebrew readers.
Dr. Larry Levine states that there is no justification for religiously-motivated violence in Judaism.
Jewish terrorism against Arabs and Muslims has a long history. A quick look at these terrorist attacks shows that over 500 people have been killed and many others wounded since the 1970s.
Despite the fact that Muslims believe in Jesus Christ and Jews do not believe in Him, Western Christians support Jews against Muslims. That is so because Christianity is now going through a process of politicization.
A study by Dr. Osama El-Baz, the chief political advisor to President Hosni Mubarak, on anti-Semitism. He recounts the history of the term and explain the difference between "anti-Jewish" and "anti-Semitic" sentiments. He believes that Arab and Islamic proponents of anti-Semitism purvey shoddy...
The MEMRI writes many of its translations “bring honor and respect to the Arab world and show it isn´t made up of radicals only.” Hulsman provides examples of MEMRI placing some of their translations in a wrong context.
The Nov. 15 editorial "Galloping Anti-Semitism" criticized Egypt for not censoring a television series that The Post found objectionable. But freedom of expression means broadcasting all points of view, even the most regrettable. The editorial portrayed the series, "Horseman Without a Horse," as...


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