Displaying 2001 - 2010 of 2128.
This lecture forms the background to Lord Carey’s lecture in July in Cairo. Lord Carey explained his purpose of seeking to build bridges of understanding between Islam and Christianity. “Compassion and understanding are the only tools to handle hatred and violence.” For understanding also critical...
These days, Arab newspapers are full of commentaries putting the blame on Muslims for terrorism and others practiced self-flagellation and self-hatred to the extent that they claimed the history of Muslims is a history of oppression, tyranny and baseness. No one asks himself whether what is...
Some Western thinkers believe that the conflict between Islam and the West is mainly a civilization-related conflict due to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunna and because Islam obliges Muslims to practice jihad against non-Muslims. That is why the West adopts an attitude of hatred and bigotry...
American researcher Cheryl Benard has recently published a report on the current condition of Islam with the Rand Corporation, which is considered the strategic mind of America. The researcher said with surprising forthrightness that “The West should interfere – using a well-set plan - in...
Today we will look at the means to restore trust between the Islamic World and the West. There is no inherent gulf between the Islamic World and the West but the current obstacles standing before restoring trust between the Islamic World and the West must be removed.
An unprecedented wave of hate crimes is spreading throughout Europe, particularly in France, targeting Arab and Muslim cemeteries. Attackers have destroyed gravestones and defaced them by drawing swastikas and writing message of hatred. Concerned authorities have not found a clear explanation of...
“The good Muslim and the evil Muslim” is the title of eminent Ugandan thinker Mahmoud Mamdani’s most recent book written in 2004. It’s predictable that the American administration would slot Muslims into categories of good and evil. Those who would help the administration fight terrorism in Iraq...
The story of the American professor of mathematics Jeffrey Lang who embraced Islam is an outstanding example of moving from the darkness of atheism to the light of faith. When Westerns join Islam, they do not do this through the same approach we [Orientals] adopt, but they come with a new approach...
In a recent approach set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Grand Imam of the Azhar, Dr. Tantawi, held three separate meetings with three newly appointed Egyptian ambassadors to foreign countries. The three meetings aim at demonstrating the true image of Islam in the West as well as in other...
Since September 11th, the US has specified a number of conditions on Azhar imams who visit the Muslim community in Ramadan. Having passed a test in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and Shari’a (Islamic law), the Azhar selects the imams who receive the highest marks to preach to the Muslim community in...


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