Displaying 101 - 110 of 767.
Pope Tawadros II also received congratulations from Shaykh Hāzim Salāh Abū Ismā’īl, the disqualified presidential candidate, and Minister of Culture Muhammad Sābir ‘Arab. 
Rose al-Yūsuf has published an interview with Midhat Qilādah, president of the Union of Coptic Organisations in Europe, who will hold a meeting with representatives of the European Union to present the conditions for Copts in Egypt under President Muhammad Mursī. In the interview Qilādah claims...
Expatriate Copt organizations staged protests at Egyptian embassies in a number of European capitals. The Dutch Coptic Association, headed by Bahā’ Ramzī, is at the top of these protests as it organized a protest at the Egyptian Embassy in The Hague, The Netherlands. 
Some Coptic organizations announced planned protests outside the UN building in New York during Egyptian President Muhammad Mursī’s visit Monday
Church sources said that the Copts living in the United States of America refuse all attempts made to intervene in internal Egyptian affairs, in particular under the pretext of protecting them from alleged persecutions. 
Egyptian Churches’ leaderships have emphasized that neither they nor their representatives will receive or meet with US Vice President Mike Pence, who is due to visit Egypt this week, stressing that Copts' issues are internal affairs of Egypt.
Bishop Bula of Tantā and Chairman of the Clerical Council, said the Orthodox Church and General Bishop David of the United States are working out arrangements for an expected visit by President Mursī to New York on Wednesday (September 26).
Al-Nūr Party has warned against amending the article. Dr. Sha’baān Abdal ‘Alīm, the assistant secretary general of the party, stated that amending the third article may allow the marriage of gays and stated that Islam only recognizes Christianity and Judaism.
The Maspero Youth Union announced that it suspended its planned march of protest that was scheduled Sunday (Aug. 12) over the Dahshūr incidents after the majority of displaced Coptic families returned to their homes and initial compensations of LE10,000 (roughly $1800) for each family were released...
Meanwhile, several Coptic leaders in Egypt expressed flat rejection against a conference called “No to marginalization and forced displacement” held on Saturday (Aug. 11) by Bishop Abākīr of Coptic Orthodox Church in Scandinavian countries, headquartered in Sweden.  


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