Displaying 81 - 90 of 1480.
Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, Grand Mufti of Egypt, welcomed a high ranking American delegation led by John Barsa, head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Jonathan Cohen, American ambassador to Cairo, and Samah Norquist, chief advisor for international religious freedom at...
The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression (AFTE) published a report on freedom of teaching and research in Egyptian universities. The report presents that researchers at Egyptian universities face a variety of restrictions that limit their academic freedoms. The association that is made...
The Islamic World Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation (ICESCO) has expressed its concern about the offensive portrayal of the Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) in French media and political discourse. They explain that this has provoked anger among more than half a billion Muslims around the...
As the activist ʿAlāʾ ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ entered the 27th day of his hunger strike, his family attempted for the 16th time to bring some basic necessities to him, including a rehydration solution, medicine and vitamins.
Recently, religious institutions have rejected and condemned Charlie Hebdo’s republication of the images insulting the Prophet Muḥammad.  At the same time, there have also been media reports of an extremist burning the Qur’an in Sweden, and French reactions and stances on the issue continue to...
Many of the Coptic and secular leadership in Alexandria expressed their anger at a magazine that had placed Father Rāfāʾ īl, Bishop of central Cairo churches, on a picture with the former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muḥammad Badīʿ. The leaders considered this act an insult and an unacceptable...
Last week, French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo republished the drawings of the Prophet Muḥammad that were the reason behind the terrorist attack on the publication on January 7, 2015, which resulted in the deaths of 12 people from the editorial board. 
Sāra ʿAllām is an Egyptian journalist and church affairs editor for the Egypt based “al-Yawm al-Sābiʿ” newspaper. She said that she was surprised that Bishop Aghāthūn of bishop Maghāghah and al-ʿIdwah, filed a lawsuit against her, accusing her of defamation because of her book titled “The murder...
In his book, Impressions of Egypt [Inṭibāʿāt ʿan Miṣr], French voyageur Étienne-Louis Malus observes the impact of French culture and schools established by French missionaries on Egyptian society at the beginning of the 19th century.  Even though these schools were established and run by monks and...
Every now and then, the Egyptian church sees attempts by unknown sources to indirectly tamper with church doctrine, possibly leading to an enflaming of divisions.  In the most recent period, the church community is seeing the rise of some non-denominational groups visiting Coptic households across...


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