Displaying 1081 - 1090 of 1657.
The article is the result of a RNSAW-trip to Upper Egypt [RNSAW, 2002, week 25, art. 1] and sheds light upon the celebration of the commemoration of the Holy Family´s arrival in Egypt and on the different villages and sites on the route of the Holy Family. Bishop Demetrius of Mallawi said that...
The Copts Daily Digest reported that the website of the US Copts Association was hacked by a Muslim. The hacker reported he doesn´t like their website and wanted to scare them. The US Copts Association reported that they are frequently threatened on Muslim sites but were not able to produce more...
The Higher Court of National Security continued hearing the case against the Ibn Khaldoun Center. Videotapes that were confiscated from the center were shown in court and the defense was allowed to write comments on them.
The Egyptian police detained five supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Alexandria and four of its leaders were sentenced to an additional prison term. The detentions took place five days before the parliamentary elections.
Omar Ahmed, chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called the statement of Jerry Vines a ‘reckless, anti-Islamic statement´ which could lead to more hate crimes against Muslims in the US. Vines´ statement and other similar statements not only create a wedge between Muslims and...
Films supporting national unity are available in bookstores and churches. They call for lofty values and elevate the position of God in society. The author is not enthusiastic about these films because they are not aimed at bringing about national unity but at creating division. They deal with...
The letter calls for a two state solution; Israel and Palestine, calls resistance against occupation justified but denounces violent methods of resistance.
Al-Midan was the only Egyptian publication giving attention to the petition of the US Copts Association about al-Kosheh. It is customary for the US Copts Association to prepare petitions, demonstrations or other activities prior to a visit of president Mubarak to the US.Muslim-Christian-Jewish...
Nova, a major Dutch television program presented on June 13 a number of statements recorded in several Friday sermons in Dutch mosques. The Dutch Daily Trouw reported the TV program, including quotes from the sermons, and followed this up with several other articles. The author gives an overview of...
The Cairo Foreign Press Association organized a visit to Coptic Old Cairo with Prof. Dr. Peter Grossmann and asked Cornelis Hulsman to write a report for the FPA Bulletin in May 2002. Hulsman pointed out that visiting Old Cairo with a scholar is very different from visiting it with Coptic clergy.


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