Date of source: Saturday, March 2, 2002
The leaders of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya expressed their complete agreement to end the actions to kill. They affirmed that their mistakes in the past came as a result of a false Ijtihad. In this article they explain the legal basis behind their renunciation of violence and reconsideration of old...
Date of source: Tuesday, February 5, 2002
The sense of danger implied in the idea of the inter-civilizational clash pushed a lot of thinkers and politicians to adopt the issue of inter-civilizational dialogue. The world knew other kinds of dialogues, for instance, the dialogue between the North and the South, the Arabic-European dialogue...
Date of source: Tuesday, February 12, 2002
The Reformatorisch Dagblad, a Dutch daily, reported on February 11 about the fear of Bishop Botros that an army unit would cause damage to his project for handicapped children at Patmos. This did not happen but the Bishop´s fear was based on his experiences with the same army unit (but with a...
Date of source: Tuesday, February 12, 2002
Dr. Milad Hanna (77), a much respected Coptic thinker and politician in Egypt who was awarded the UNESCO Simon Bolivar prize for his efforts in intercultural dialogue, was severely attacked by some Coptic activists in the Copts Daily Digest after his visit with Dr. Kamal Abul-Magd to Washington DC...
Date of source: Thursday, February 14, 2002
The RNSAW asked Coptic human rights activist Ra´ed Al-Sharqawi to investigate the riots in Beni Walmis. He found this started with Christian youth boasting their church was ready while Muslims struggled to have their mosque equally well restorated.
Date of source: Monday, February 4, 2002
The general secretary of the Tagammu party, Dr. Rifa´at al-Sa´id accused Montasser Al-Zayyat of writing “Al-Zawahri as I knew him” to settle his account with Al-Zawahri. He said that the book justified terrorism. Al-Zayyat said that the book was a review of the Islamic movements and their positions...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 2, 2002
The article is more of a letter directed to the Sheikh of the Azhar. It comments on the dismissal of one of the Azhar University professors. The author asks the Sheikh of the Azhar to stop expressing his anger against his opponents, even if they are members of the Azhar Scholars´ Front, which he...
Date of source: Saturday, January 5, 2002 to Friday, January 11, 2002
Zakariya Moussaoui until now is the only one facing formal charges in connection with the events of September 11. He refused to speak before the judge. The judge considered his silence a denial of the charges. So, she ordered the initiation of the trial in front of a jury the following 14 October...
Date of source: Saturday, February 25, 2006
The author of this article quotes several people, the conglomoration of which reveals that the secular-based Coptic council, al-Majlis al-Mīllī, is very important and provides much assistance to the Copts and the Church, but that it also currently has many weaknesses which must be sorted through.
Date of source: Sunday, February 19, 2006
Adler addresses the election victory of Hamās, and also the prevalence of Islamic movements across the Middle East. He notes that their prime goals are political, rather than religious, and that they have had a major impact on the status quo of Middle Eastern geopolitics.