Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 1657.
On September 7, Israeli newspapers published the text of a letter of senior Israeli rabbis directed to the head of the Israeli cabinet, Ariel Sharon. The letter urges Sharon not to hesitate to harm Palestinian civilians in the ongoing confrontations in the occupied territories.
ʿAlī Laban, a member of the parliament affiliated with the Brotherhood, submitted an interpellation to the Minister of Culture in which he demanded the closure of the dance school in order to avoid its evils. The Minister of Culture said that that some believe that the school teaches belly dance, "...
No one can offer an explanation for the reasons of this decision except the heads of opposition parties, most of whom deliberately did not attend the meetingin which the exclusion of the Brotherhood was approved.
The secretary general of the Union of French Islamic Organizations (UOIF) Fouad Elwi held a meeting with the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France. The results of this session were beyond what was expected due to the atmosphere of tension that prevailed during the meeting....
Every parable tells a truth about God and ourselves. The parable shows that for God all people, regardless of religion, nationality or whatever else, are important, there are no people without name.
Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, grand imam of the Azhar, followed the lecture of Archbishop Rowan Williams with a number of comments. I made notes and made this overview which should be seen as a paraphrase of the words of the grand imam.
Short summary of the sermon of Lord George Carey, on the occasion of his visit to Egypt, July, 2004 about Matthew 16: 13-17. The sermon addresses the question of who Jesus is.
The discussion following the lecture was interesting and covering topics like dialogue, distorted reporting, church building and missionary work.
Two interesting comments we have found on a discussion board [http://groups.msn.com/WhatsNews/spirituality.msnw action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=158595&LastModified=4675469211951569132] on the lecture of Lord Carey and the BBC interview with him. The first comment questions the...
This lecture forms the background to Lord Carey’s lecture in July in Cairo. Lord Carey explained his purpose of seeking to build bridges of understanding between Islam and Christianity. “Compassion and understanding are the only tools to handle hatred and violence.” For understanding also critical...


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