Displaying 1561 - 1570 of 1657.
The denier of the Sunna, Ismail Mansour, accused Al-Shafi’i of being a deceitful person. He used to misinterpret the Hadiths. He (Mansour) declared that he rejected the Hadiths. By denying the Sunna, he said that he was following the teachings of the Prophet.
Muslims are in a difficult situation because of the inability of others to distinguish the difference between various Muslims groups. The world is full of struggles, clashes and disputes. These occur in countries where the majority are Hindu, Christian or Buddhist just as they do where Muslims are...
The authors are arguing that people who kill others through careless driving should be severely punished.
The discussion at the press conference of the New York Council of Churches on June 28 [transcript presented in last week’s RNSAW] was mainly with members of the American Coptic Union. Before the press conference Drs. Cornelis Hulsman interviewed Rafique Iscander, chairman and founder of the...
His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday [August 24, 1999] inaugurated the memorial site of one of Prophet Mohammad’s companions in the central Jordan Valley region in Deir Alaa. The ceremony, attended by senior officials and Muslim clergy from different Arab states, is part of the Kingdom’s endeavor...
The city of Alexandria has witnessed a small celebration which was held by the Culture Council in the memory of the Islamic opening of Egypt. It had been 14 centuries since the Islamic opening of Egypt. During the symposium, a number of history professors spoke about Egypt’s cultural and...
A supposedly Christian man who is 73-years old in Minoufia is exposed by his wife for being so interested in black magic that he used to leave his family starving and go to spend his money on black magic. Many people used to help his family so that they would not die of starvation.
Egypt has said that it would not object to the return of a militant leader serving a life sentence in the United States on the condition that when he returns home he serves a sentence passed against him by Egypt some ten years ago.
Emigrant Copts were involved in negative publications about Egypt. They were pushed by irresponsible practices and criminal acts aimed at the Egyptian Copts. Secondly they exaggerated until it reached the edge of paranoia.
Some of the emigrant Copts who claim that they are Egyptians seem to have forgotten that they have emigrated from this country and they have not been visiting it for many years. They have forgotten that they are now belonging to a country which has different interests from their mother country, and...


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