Displaying 61 - 70 of 1654.
A member of the Holy Synod’s Coptic History Committee, Coptic researcher Ibrāhīm al-Bājūshī, said the popes of the Coptic Orthodox Church have always been defending Jerusalem.
An Azhari scholar said that authentic Sufism is the veneration of ‘Āl al-Bayt (the Prophet’s Household), as well as the pursuit of the ethics of the Prophet Muḥammad, adding that every Muslim must illuminate their hearts with prayers to God and glorification of the Prophet.
The dean of the Uṣul al-Dīn (Theology) College in al-Minūfīya province, Dr. Khālid ʿAbd al-ʿĀl, said Imām al-Sayīd al-Badawī has enriched Islamic Sufism, adding that the imām had dreamt of coming to Egypt three times.
On Sunday (November 5), the Ṣūfī orders are marking the anniversary of the arrival of the head of the Prophet Muḥammad’s grandson, Imām al-Ḥusayn, in Egypt. The al-Rifāʿīya Order followers will be holding their annual celebrations at the headquarters of the General Sheikhdom of Ṣūfī Orders.
Today, the number of Palestinian Christians in Palestine does not exceed 1 percent, although they constituted nearly 12 percent of the population before the year of 1948. What is the main reason for their decline in numbers? And why do they migrate to other lands to live? What is the relationship...
The Israeli occupation forces bombed the Church of St. Porphyrius (Birphīrīōs) on Monday (October 9). This church dates back about 1,600 years, according to Palestinian activists who have been circulating this incident on social media.  
The U.S. State Department said in a new report that religious tolerance was a “hallmark of Morocco’s history.”
Bāqī Zakī Yūsuf, one of the most renowned major generals in the October 1973 war, was the mastermind behind opening loopholes within the earthen embankment known as the Bar Lev Line with the use of water pressure.
For the first time in 70 years, since the July 23, 1952 revolution, the Jews of Egypt celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
Hundreds of followers of the different Ṣūfī Orders celebrated the mūlid (birthday anniversary) of the al-ʿĀrif Billāh al-Sayyid Aḥmed al-Badawī in squares near al-Aḥmedī Mosque in the city of Ṭanṭā, the capital of al-Gharbīya province.


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