Muslim Brotherhood Practices Politics Through 'Terrorist' Ideology, Says Egyptian Political Figure

Christian Post
Date of source:
17 Oct 2013

The Muslim Brotherhood is practicing politics through a terrorist ideology, claims Nabil Metry, a member of the Executive Office of the Regional Association of Non-Governmental Organizations.

However, Metry noted that Egypt's Christian Copts are stronger than any terrorism and will remain in Egypt despite the extreme violence. Metry also noted that violence against Copts and the community increased when the Muslim Brotherhood was ousted from power.

Metry called for the deleting of Article III from Egypt's constitution, which allows Christians and Jews to resort to their own laws with regard to their personal status and choosing of their religious leaders, as well as Article 219 on interpretation of Islamic Shariah principles, according to Mideast Christian News.

He demanded to keep Article II only, which provides that "Egypt is an Islamic state, Arabic is its official language and the principles of Islamic Sharia are the main source of legislation."

He pointed out that Islamic law includes the provision for Christians and Jews to resort to their laws.

"In case of insistence on keeping Article III in the constitution, it is better to provide for non-Muslims to resort to their laws, so as not to deprive other categories of citizenship rights, such as the Baha'is," Metry said.

When asked about the best election system for Egypt in the coming period, Metry, a member of National Council for Women in Alexandria, stated that if the electoral list system is adopted in the next election every party should put a woman and a Copt within the first three candidates.

But should the individual system be approved certain constituencies should be dedicated to Copts. This should be applied for two cycles in order to ensure better representation of women and Copts in parliament.

The 50-member committee charged with amending the Egyptian constitution began its work in September and is scheduled to work on that process for for 60 days as a prelude to putting forward a draft constitution to the people in a general referendum before its approval.