Before the 2012 Egyptian presidential elections, dozens of Muslim Brotherhood members were dispatched to the US and Europe. They presented a picture that interlocutors could identify with. They were young, western-educated and articulate. They depicted the Brotherhood as the sole organized political force that would represent the majority in Egypt. They spoke of democracy, a free market economy and the preservation of rights of women and Copts.
Mohamed Morsi’s one year tenure however, turned all Brotherhood assertions to a lie. Within a few months, Mr. Morsi proceeded to put himself above the law, surrounded himself solely with Brotherhood cronies, and drove the economy into the ground. The tens of millions who poured out on the streets on June 30 asking for his removal also put to rest the common wisdom that the Brotherhood was an uncontestable force.
(Dina Khayat, Forbes, Feb. 7, 2014) Read Original