The Muslim Brotherhood Speaks Out Of Both Sides Of Its Mouth

Date of source:
7 Feb 2014

Before the 2012 Egyptian presidential elections, dozens of Muslim Brotherhood members were dispatched to the US and Europe. They presented a picture that interlocutors could identify with. They were young, western-educated and articulate. They depicted the Brotherhood as the sole organized political force that would represent the majority in Egypt. They spoke of democracy, a free market economy and the preservation of rights of women and Copts.

Mohamed Morsi’s one year tenure however, turned all Brotherhood assertions to a lie. Within a few months, Mr. Morsi proceeded to put himself above the law, surrounded himself solely with Brotherhood cronies, and drove the economy into the ground. The tens of millions who poured out on the streets on June 30 asking for his removal also put to rest the common wisdom that the Brotherhood was an uncontestable force.

In 2012, the Brotherhood was as yet untested. The credulity of those who bought into their discourse was understandable. Today it is less so, given the Brotherhood’s record as well as their tarnished history.

In the early 1950’s the Muslim Brotherhood joined the Free Officers, but were soon rounded up and imprisoned following an assassination attempt on Nasser 1954. Anwar Sadat freed them and granted them political space on condition they renounce violence. In 1981 Sadat was assassinated by Islamic Jihad, a breakaway group. But the Brotherhood never veered  far from the groups it spawned. Even Sadat’s assassins were welcome. Tariq Al Zomor was a front row guest of then-President Mohamed Morsi at the 2012 official celebrations of the 1973 October war. Tarik and his brother Aboud Al Zomor were convicted in 1984 for their role in the assassination of Sadat.

This is not just about politics, but goes back to the core values of the organization. According to a former Brotherhood leader, Dr. Tharwat Khirbawi, the Brotherhood has twisted an old Shiite practice to justify deceit if it serves their purpose. Taqiyya was an act of permissible dissimulation or concealment used in the early days of Islam predominantly by Shiites to avoid persecution.  Today according to Dr. Khirbawi, it is used by the Muslim Brotherhood to “speak in a way that is appropriate for the ear hearing me” as declared by Tariq Ramadan the grandson of Hassan El Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The U.S. was, in fact, treated first-hand to some of this doublespeak when the U.S. Embassy was stormed in Cairo by Islamists last September and a senior Brotherhood leader, Khairat El Shater, tweeted on his English account his relief that none of the Embassy staff were harmed while, in Arabic, he ‘called on Egyptians to rise and defend the Prophet.’

The Muslim Brotherhood are masters at presenting multiple faces as the situation warrants. These days they pose as victims. They forget their thinly veiled threats made just before the Egyptian presidential elections. In June 2012 before any presidential results were announced, Mr. Shater, speaking to the Washington Postsaid that Egyptians could choose between the easy way, or the difficult way. Should the Brotherhood’s rival win, Mr. Shater predicted there would be violence. The Brotherhood’s often violent demonstrations since the ousting of Mr. Morsi on June 30, bear out the warning voiced by Mr. Shater.

Following the removal of Mr. Morsi, the Administration immediately declared its neutrality.  Nevertheless, in the months since, it has consistently pressured the transitional government in Cairo to become more “inclusive,” a refrain that would appear within every statement on Egypt. In October 2013 the Administration then decided to “recalibrate” US aid to Egypt, to prod the Egyptian government to embrace the Muslim Brotherhood.

When on January 24, Cairo was rocked by four bombs in the deadliest blast to hit the city in living memory, the State Department issued a brief statement. It condemned the attack but urged “all Egyptians” to maintain “calm and restraint” thus putting on a par both victim and perpetrator.


It would be a mistake to believe that the Muslim Brotherhood and their militant offshoots can be contained through appeasement. The Brotherhood’s values are not US values and never were.  Sooner or later these values are bound to clash. By that time however, the US will have  jeopardized its vital interests in the region as well as influence and credibility.

Dina Khayat is founder and chairman of an asset management company based in Egypt. She is also head of the economic committee of the Free Egyptians Party, a political party founded after the 2011 revolution.