Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Moroccan fundamentalists respond to al-Qaradāwī’s fatwá on bank loans.
Several Arab governments have recently opened the door to dialogue with political Islam groups after years of tension between Islamists and secularists in the Arab world.
The Moroccan researcher Al-Moqrai Al-Idrisi Abu Zeid, a member of the parliament affiliated to the Islamic opposition party of Al-Adala wa Al-Tanmiya [Justice and development], said that the time has come for extremist violence-involved Islamic movements to carry out an ideological revision of...
The Moroccan government prosecuted more than 700 members of the Islamic group of "Al-Adl Wa Al-Ahsan" [litt: Justice and charity] after trying to demonstrate during the national day of human rights. Some of the prosecutors are relatives of the group’s Guide.
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