Displaying 11 - 20 of 37.
Ayman Hassūnah reports on the statements of Saudi Journalist ‘Abd Allāh Bin Bijād al-‘Utaybī who belittled a fatwá issued by the Saudi Shaykh cAbd al-Rahmān Bin Nāsir al-Barāk deeming him an apostate.
This week’s articles about the reactions to the introspections of the Jihād Group showed an extent of sympathy for the conditions of Islamist detainees and even the ones who have just been released.
Lotus Kīwān interviewed Father Zakarīyā Butrus about his motivations behind his frequent attacks at the Islamic faith and his relation with the Egyptian church.
‘Ādil al -Darjalī reported on the statements of the lawyer of Islamic groups Muntaṣir al-Zayyāt about Islamists using Fatwás permitting the killing of civilians to justify their violent deeds.
The recent clash between journalists and the grand Imām of the Azhar after the latter’s controversial speech, in which he demanding punishing rumor-mongers and false reporters with 80 lashes, has marked a new critical turning point in the already-strained relations between non-governmental press...
The article is a personal interpretation of Islam presented by al-Nogaidan. He explores his experiences with Islam, beginning with extremist ideologies that were fostered in Saudi Arabia, to his realization of Islam as a try religion of peace.
The arrest of the lawyer of the Islamic groups, Mamdūḥ Ismāīl, surprised those interested in political affairs in Egypt. Most surprising are the accusations fielded at Ismāīl regarding his relationship with al-Qā‘idah.
The prominent Egyptian intellectual Tareq Heggy wrote about a number of topics related to the developments in the Egyptian and Arab arenas, showing his impressions and opinions on these critical issues.
A discussion about the merits of different Arab language news stations, includes in depth analysis of the proposed BBC Arabic news channel.
An overview of the Secular Islam Summit held in the United States. The conference featured a number of speakers who supported reform within Islam as a religion and Muslim countries.


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