Displaying 51 - 60 of 117.
Egyptian media has published abstracts from Imām’s book of revisions. The book was recently published to announce al-Jihād Islamic organization’s initiative to quell violence and lead interventions.
The Egyptian press continues to focus on the health condition of the ailing head of the Coptic Orthodox Church who celebrated the 36th anniversary of his consecration in the See of Saint Mark.
Mīkhā’īl Kāmil condemned an episode of ‘Amr Adīb’s program ’Cairo Today,’ in which he criticized the attitude of Father Zakarīyā Butrus toward Islam, accusing Adīb of inciting sectarian sedition.
The critical health condition of Pope Shenouda aroused arguments about his expected successor. While a group of laymen calls for a new law to be established for the papal elections, the church expresses its discontentment towards what it considers to be the laymen’s interference in church’s affairs...
al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmīyah’s incarcerated members agreed on the introspection recently proposed by the ideologue of the Islamic groups. However, leaders of Islamic groups still disagree on the introspections of al-Jamā‘ah. Conversely al-Jamā‘ah calls on the leftist parties of Hadtū and the Labor...
Angry reactions continue to be heard in intellectual circles regarding press freedom. The developments in the crisis of the 80-lash Fatwá issued by the grand imām of the Azhar, calls to abolish imprisonment in publishing-related cases, and the future of press in Egypt are the main subjects...
15 Egyptian independent newspapers refused to publish their publications on October 7, 2007. Other newspapers criticized the gesture and its motivations, choosing instead to express themselves “positively.” Freedom of the press is a pivotal issue in Egyptian media nowadays.
The Egyptian press is still focusing on the case of the four editors-in-chief who were sentenced to jail for spreading rumors and false information about President Mubārak’s health condition. While some observers denounce the jail penalty, others believe that journalists who do not adhere to the...
Four Egyptian editors have been sentenced to a one-year jail sentence with hard labor and given fines for publishing false information about President Husnī Mubārak suffering from a serious health condition to undermine national security. The following report discusses the reactions of the four...
Security forces have intervened to ban an Iftār banquet that was organized by the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group that intended to promote their proposed political party and to give them political legitimacy.


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