Displaying 41 - 43 of 43.
Through an interview with Yasser Al-Serri, one the most famous Egyptian extremists, now living in London, the writer exposed the opportunism of the extremists and their mercurial ability at tailoring the Halal and Haram [permitted and forbidden according to Islam] to suit their purposes. While...
[Translator’s note: We found it necessary for the reader to distinguish between Shura Council (Maglis Al-Shura), the Egyptian equivalent of the American Senate and the British House of Lords, compared to Majlis Al-Shura (Please note the spelling used), a part of the Gama’at al-Islamiya organization...
In a new and exciting development, disagreements have exploded between the leaders of the Gama’at Al-Islamiyya abroad A war of words started between what is called the European Group and the Afghanistan Group similar to the war of words that started after the Luxor massacre between the two sides.


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