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Egyptian Copts and the diaspora are preparing for this year’s three-day Nineveh fast, commencing on February 26, fifteen days ahead of the Lent. The fast is observed in honor of the Prophet Yūnān (Jonah), who remained inside the belly of a whale for three days.
Moving to church affairs, some coalitions, assemblies and leagues of supporters of Coptic Orthodox Church Pope Shenouda III sent cables to the Coptic Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod backing Bishop Mūsá of Youths as new patriarch of Alexandria and the see of Saint Mark. [Author Not Mentioned, al-Ahrām...
Some Coptic organizations and activists, in a statement they called the March 30 Declaration, vehemently rejected the 100-member panel and “attempts by certain groups to draft the new Egyptian Constitution alone,” urging the Egyptian Church to immediately announce its position on the panel and...
The Coptic Orthodox Church, in the statement, called on SCAF Chairman Field Marshal Muhammad Husayn Tantāwī to approve a constitution panel that is representative of all Egyptians without discrimination among the citizens of Egypt on religious or ethnic basis. [Rajab Ramadān, Muhammad Abū al-‘...
The Alexandria Millī Council sent a statement on Friday (March 30) to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) in which it condemned the mechanisms used to form a constitution-drafting assembly. The Council stressed equality among all Egyptians in rights and duties regardless of religious...
The Millī (Community) Council in Alexandria, in a statement on Monday, criticized decisions by the 'urfī session to have Copts expelled after their homes and property were set ablaze.
Several scholars of the Azhar and its affiliate Islamic Research Academy welcomed the top Sunnī establishment’s decision to withdraw its only representative, former Muftī of the Republic Dr. Nasr Farīd Wāsil, from the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt. [Ahmad ‘Uways, al-...
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