Displaying 41 - 50 of 60.
Islamic intellectual Dr. Muḥammad ‘Imārah has been released by the Egyptian high state security prosecutor, Hishām Badawī, after having been interrogated on charges of inciting sectarian sedition and insulting Copts and Christianity. While stating his acceptance of Dr. ‘Imārah’s apology for quoting...
As President Mubārak called for the Constitutional amendments, leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood group attacked them as they mainly aim at preventing political Islamic groups come to power. On the other hand, the media have praised the amendments, showing the dangers of the Brotherhood to both...
A few days ago, Islamic thinker Dr. Muḥammad ‘Imārah was summoned by Judge ‘Abd al-Majīd Maḥmūd, the public prosecutor, to answer accusations brought against him by Lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl, the head of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organization [EUHRO, see: http://www.euhroeg.com/], and Father...
The author wonders about the increasing coverage of Coptic affairs in Egyptian press, and points to a number of specific periodicals that have increased their focus on such issues.
A Coptic researcher refutes the allegations of those who deny the existence of a Coptic era in Egyptian history.
The recommendations of a seminar on amending the Egyptian constitution called for amending article 2 of the Egyptian Constitution, after failing to achieve an agreement to omit it.
Subtitles: Ibn Khaldoun Center sets a sectarian mutiny ablaze in Egypt. A call for federal Coptic rule, and to arm all minorities in the Arab world. The UN charter about minorities, an outset to the crumbling colonization plan in the area. El-Sha’ab of July 18, accuses Dr. Saad el-Din...
A comment on an article by the Coptic intellectual Kamāl Ghubriyāl about schisms in the prospective movement Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination.
Al-Qāhirah publishes the interrogation report of Ayman al-Zawāhrī, Usāmah Bin Lādin’s right-hand man, and suspect no. 113 in the jihād organization case, who planned and carried out the assassination of al- Sādāt in October 1981.
The author publishes a series of articles containing the original texts from the 1981 investigations with Ayman al-Zawāhrī, al-Qā‘idah’s second -in-command, on charges of involvement in the assassination of President Anwar al-Sadāt.


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