Displaying 1 - 10 of 60.
Ayman Muḥammad Rabīʿ al-Ẓawāhirī is a Muslim who claims that he is committed to bring the golden age of the caliphate back, and advocates a violent means of jihād to achieve his objectives. His own native country Egypt, along with many other countries, considers him a terrorist. During the 1990s,...
This paper is an attempt to outline and illustrate the many facets of the Arab media's reaction to the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the profound emotions it stirred in so many Arabs and Arab journalists. 
The issue of church building in Egypt is among the most misunderstood and misreported subjects affecting Muslim-Christian relations.
This article outlines a number of different discriminatory statements and issues brought up against Copts in Egypt. Firstly are the statements made by Mohamed Abbas who recently said that Copts are coddled by the Egyptian government and are treated better than Muslims when both are in prison. He...
Sayyid al-Qimnī is fighting a battle in the field of freedom of expression. He criticizes the Azhar curricula and the Muslim Brotherhood for erasing reason and harming the future.
Two AWR interns investigate the news coverage of a dispute that took place in al-Tayyibah village, Minia. They analyzed the press reports of the incident and then look at the reconciliation sessions that took place in the wake of the conflict.
The Editorial Board prepared detailed selection criteria for Arab-West Report. Users are invited to comment on these criteria as they still can be changed until February 1, 2003. The selection criteria should reflect the needs and interests of our readers.
The Egyptian culture minister has called for accepting all religions; not just the three Abrahamic ones. The statement is a controversial one has divided opinions amongst religious scholars in Egypt.
The author highlights incidents in Egypt in the last month that deal with religions and relations between Muslims and Christians, he believes that these incidents are representative of Egyptian attitude in general toward religions. He concludes by wondering if Egypt is going backwards.
In the midst of the recent sectarian events Egypt’s various political parties were noticeably quiet, with only the Tajammu party issuing a statement regarding the Abu Fana incidents. The article deplores that the political parties were not more active in responding to the events.


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