Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
The three main Christian denominations in Egypt (Coptic Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical) will submit a new memo to the National Dialogue Committee about disputed articles in the Constitution. [Reviewer's Note: al-Watan reported the details of the memo under the title "Churches' memo to the...
There is no doubt that what the Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik did was terrorism, viewed by the Arab nations as an ascension of the European ultra-rightist’ groups. A number of extreme Islamists' websites mentioned that Breivik’s website proves his ultra-rightist’ orientation...
This article deals with S. R. Leeder’s, ’Modern Sons of the Pharaohs’ which was recently translated by Ahmad Mahmūd. The book studies Copts’ conditions in Egypt before the 1919 Revolution and cites some incidents showing that the Muslim-Coptic relationship was cordial long before the revolution and...
The article reviews a book authored by the English S.H. Leeder in 1918 that discusses Muslim-Christian co-existence in Egypt.
The following lines highlight the reality of printing and publishing the Mushaf in the Arab world in general and Egypt in particular. The text also sheds light on violations and laws in this area.
Jews of the Nile is a book edited and translated by two Egyptian Jews. The article reviews the book that presents controversial information about the Egyptian Jewry and the role of Egyptian authorities in the Jews’ immigration.
A book entitled, ‘The Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry’ of the American Jewish professor Joel Beinin on the patriotic roles of the Jewish communities in Egypt has brought crisis at the level of the cultured figures in Egypt.
After a long-standing ban, stretching almost half a century, the controversial ’Awlād Hāritnā’ by Najīb Mahfūz has been published in Egypt.
Wā’il ‘Abd al-Fattāh traces the history of Najīb Maḥfūz’s novel ‘Awlād Ḥaritnā’ [Children of Gebelawi].
After Mahmūd ‘Āmir’s attacks on the Shī‘ah, Dr. Ahmad Rāsim al- Nafīs responds, rejecting ‘Āmir’s attacks and suppositions. [AWR reviewer: Dr. Rāsim is a former Muslim Brotherhood member who adopted Shī‘ah beliefs in the mid eighties.]


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