Displaying 151 - 160 of 298.
The article reports on Egypt’s political, religious, and public reaction toward recent republication of blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in Danish and European press.
The Supreme Administrative Court ruled last weekend in favor of 15 Christians who had converted to Islam and later reverted to their original Christianity and were officially accepted in the Church, and wished to claim their legal rights as Christians. While Christian public and human and...
The article reports on a forum for inter-religious dialogue that was arranged by the Ministry of Endowments and the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services [CEOSS].
Al-Darbī presents a report on the principles of citizenship in Egypt. She discusses the difficulties, and reports the positive steps taken in this regard. She also reports on the viewpoints of a number of observers and specialists.
Clergymen and governors of the different Egyptian governorates discuss inter-religious cordial relations.
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman comments on three interesting articles in this edition of AWR by Hānī Labīb about Muslim-Christian relations and points to two interviews with Pope Shenouda in this issue that again raise the question of who will succeed the current patriarch.
Yāsir al-Shūrī has accused Bishop Kyrillos of changing his stance and withdrawing his statements against Maj. General Majdī Ayyūb Iskandar, governor of Qena. al-Shūrī claims that there was a strongly-worded message from Pope Shenouda’s secretary.
The following article presents an introduction to the debate about the freedom of religion and conversion in Egypt, focusing on legal cases of conversions, specifically changing one’s religious identity on identification cards.
An anonymous author alleged that there is a state of conflict between the church represented in the bishop of Naj‘ Ḥammādī and the governor of Qinā, the Upper Egyptian governorate. The following day al-Wafd published a response from the bishop in which he denied any conflict and describes the...
al-Ḥayāh conducted an interview with Sayyid Imām who spoke about his life. The following lines also present reactions to the revisions and comments of observers and Islamic groups leaders.


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