Displaying 171 - 180 of 298.
The Muftī of Egypt faced a storm of criticism following his ’controversial’ remarks about the Egyptian youths who died on the Italian shores while trying to cross the border illegally in search of a better life, in which he condemned their illegal acts and refused to consider them martyrs.
In an unprecedented step King ‘Abd Allāh Bin ‘Abd al-‘Azīz of Saudi Arabia visits the Vatican and engages in dialogue with Pope Benedict XVI.
In the article, the criticisms of a number of thinkers and politicians have been continually targeting the banned Muslim Brotherhood group on their proposed manifesto for their political party, which has excluded non-Muslims and women from running for presidency.
Angry reactions continue to be heard in intellectual circles regarding press freedom. The developments in the crisis of the 80-lash Fatwá issued by the grand imām of the Azhar, calls to abolish imprisonment in publishing-related cases, and the future of press in Egypt are the main subjects...
The U.S. Coptic Association organized a conference in Chicago. Coptic and Muslim figures participated in the conference that produced a number of solutions. The Coptic Orthodox Church opposed the conference and its resolutions and declared that the participants do not represent the church.
The recent clash between journalists and the grand Imām of the Azhar after the latter’s controversial speech, in which he demanding punishing rumor-mongers and false reporters with 80 lashes, has marked a new critical turning point in the already-strained relations between non-governmental press...
The grand Imām of the Azhar’s declarations about the Islamic punishment imposed on people who spread rumors that hurt others has increased tension in press milieus. Journalists reacted fiercely to the grand Iimām’s declarations and called for his resignation.
15 Egyptian independent newspapers refused to publish their publications on October 7, 2007. Other newspapers criticized the gesture and its motivations, choosing instead to express themselves “positively.” Freedom of the press is a pivotal issue in Egyptian media nowadays.
The Egyptian press is still focusing on the case of the four editors-in-chief who were sentenced to jail for spreading rumors and false information about President Mubārak’s health condition. While some observers denounce the jail penalty, others believe that journalists who do not adhere to the...
Four Egyptian editors have been sentenced to a one-year jail sentence with hard labor and given fines for publishing false information about President Husnī Mubārak suffering from a serious health condition to undermine national security. The following report discusses the reactions of the four...


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